Thursday, December 20, 2007


For the season. I find those signs that claim he is very annoying.
Nothing in the Bible specifies a date when Christ was born; go ahead, I dare you
to find anything that specifies a date. Christmas as a holiday was morphed from the
Roman holiday of Saturnalia; a time when businesses closed, parties held, and gifts were exchanged in the name of the Roman god. The early Christians used the timing of
Saturnalia (mid-December) to their own ends to win over the heathens.
Interestingly, here in the U.S, many major religious denominations; Presbyterians,
Baptists, Quakers, Methodists, & Congregationalists ignored or actively
discouraged Christmas as a holiday until the late 1800s. Most schools & businesses
remained open, Congress met in session, and some churches closed on Christmas day
to keep worshippers from commemorating it. In colonial New England the celebrating
the holiday was actually made illegal, punishable by a fine.
So may all the 'religious' people get off their high horses...

...Let's put the X back in Xmas...

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