Monday, May 18, 2009


I hate to fly.
Yep, sure do. Not that I always did, I actually used to enjoy it. Of course, that was back when planes were a bit more than sardine cans with wings. You actually used to be able to breathe on planes! Not only in, but also out! Got back Friday from a business trip to Greensboro, NC; what fun, 6 hours of travel for approximately 1-1/2 hours of actual flying time. And so crammed together (6 across on a plane I know was originally made for 4 across) that my left arm got spasms from being wedged against the side of the plane. OUCH!
Nothing like the old days when I used to take 747s across the Atlantic to England and back; Pan Am flights 1 & 2, depending on which way you were traveling. And even 20 - 25 years ago when the whole family used to fly to Canada; the planes were comfortable and the stewardesses were pretty, and friendly. The only plus? Well, at least if you get stranded somewhere, the airports have shops and restaurants that are open late. We once got stranded in Seattle/Tacoma Airport for 6 hours on a Sunday afternoon/evening; no stores or restaurants open, and most of the airport lights were turned off! Boy, that was fun, especially with 2 young children.
Yeah, so much for the good old days, but at least I don't have to fly much anymore - next time just hand me a doobie, brother!

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