Thursday, September 21, 2006


No, not me, the Pete Townshend album. I was listening to it again the other day and realized what a good album it really is. A great song English Boy,to start, and then an interesting if somewhat warped tale of the comeback of rock musician Ray High. Along the way we meet the manager, the music critic, and the girl with witches teats(say what!). A different style of rock opera/concept album than Pete's usual. This one actually has dialogue between songs that aren't directly about the story as Tommy had, but rather songs that complement the storyline.
You can usually find the cd on the cutout bin, unfortunately it was neither a big seller nor popular with the fans. But the more you listen to it, the better it gets.

And it has one of the greatest end lines of any cd, sung or spoken, that I can remember...

"What happened to the dream, What happened to all that lovely Hippie shit"

Yeah, what indeed...

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