Thursday, July 19, 2007


Computers crack famous board game.
Checkers has about 500 billion billion potential positions. It could be a case of game over for checkers- scientists say the ancient board game has finally been solved.
A Canadian team has created a computer program that can win or draw any game, no matter who the opponent is. It took an average of 50 computers nearly two decades to sift through the 500 billion billion possible checkers positions to come up with the solution.
Writing in the journal Science, the team said it was the most challenging game solved to date.
Jonathan Schaeffer, lead author on the paper and chair of the department of computer science at the University of Alberta, told the BBC News website: "This was a huge computational problem to solve - more than a million times bigger than anything that had ever been solved before."

What an incredible leap forward for humanity...this is possibly the greatest
scientific problem ever solved!!

Or maybe we should have been trying to find a fix to reverse global warming...


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