Thursday, August 16, 2007


So I woke up this morning with a snippet of dream still
in my mind. I was talking to Phyllis and telling her "look, there's
no zeppelin on the back of this $5 bill". Which was a normal looking
U.S. $5 bill on the front, but apparently not on the back. Oddly enough,
I'm pretty sure that the picture of the zeppelin was the iconic
Hindenburg picture taken when it went up in flames in New Jersey!

Aren't dreams funny though; I still remember having a dream when
I was in Jr or Sr High School. I woke up sure that I had found
a $10 in the pocket of my pants, and went through all the
pants I had hanging in the closet looking for it!
I wonder if the $10 bill would have had a zeppelin on it also...

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