Thursday, August 23, 2007


Say what?Well, when I was young, that's what my Dad woulf
call me every so often. And I actually hadn't remembered that
until this morning when I was reading my All About Beer magazine.
(Great beer magazine - check them out at )

But anyway, there was an article about songs and beer, and the author
mentioned a German children's ditty-turned drinking song called the
Schnitzelbank Song that had some sort of rhyming pairs of words. Well,
one of the rhyming words was Schnickel Fritz (or Schnickelfritz)
which apparently is a slang-ish term for 'mischievous child'

And I'm sure Dad picked it up from 'Uncle' Helmut who was a business
associate in Germany who helped with my adoption (and for some reason
I remember visiting his house and playing with his son Wolfgang in their
empty built in swimming pool!)

Go figure the items our brains retain and dredge up at the strangest times...

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