Friday, January 30, 2009


No, not the real one(!?). The Hollow Earth by Rudy Rucker: An odd book from the late 1800s or early 1900s about an expedition to the inside of the Earth, along the line of Pellucidar, At the Earth's Core, Journey To the Center Of the Earth, and others of that ilk. The only problem is, this was published in 1990, not 1890. It even has the conceit of being a 'found manuscript' of true events, etc,etc. While this was new in the 1890s, by now this type of story is dated and not
really for the reader over the age of 10 or so who may not have come across Jules Verne or E.R.Burroughs. A shame really, because it's the first fiction book I've come across that has Edgar Allan Poe as one of the main characters.

Though the cover says "A Science Fiction Novel", it is neither Science nor particularly novel.
It may pass as a juvenile novel, but there is some light nudity and implied sex, and the racial stereotypes fit the 1800s better than the 2000s, or even the latter 1900s.

So remember...'CAVEAT LECTOR' and be forewarned...

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