Thursday, March 26, 2009


The famous unknown guitar player, you may recognize him, but you may not know who he is. Besides being a session musician, he also plays guitar for many vocal acts that don't have permanent bands. The reason I bring this up is last night watching a recent clip from a Stevie Nicks 'Soundstage' show, and of course there was Waddy playing guitar for Stevie. Well, back 25 or so years ago, there was a Stevie Nicks concert broadcast on HBO. And the guitar player was Waddy Wachtel back then.
And the funny thing is, he really doesn't look any different - glasses and long wavy hair. Is he a Waddy-clone, kept on ice until needed? Is he a Waddy-robot? Or does he have a 'Dorian Gray'-style picture somewhere in a vault that ages while he stays eternally youthful?

30 years from now will my grandson Ryley be watching a Stevie Nicks tribute band...with the guitar player Waddy Wachtel? (Waddy's Stevie Nicks Show, perhaps?)

If I'm still here, I'll let you know...alright, see ya in 30 years then...

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