Sunday, April 24, 2011


Though this picture does not do it justice - imagine if you will 1-1/2 pounds (yes, pounds) of your favorite deli meat between two pieces of great bread (fries, cole slaw & pickle on the side - but who cares about them). Notice the knives holding the sandwich together, yes, they are full size dinner knives. So I had my 4th one tonight, my meat is roast beef, and it's perfect rare roast beef, and the trick is lots of mayo to keep it going down. The first time I tried one, I just had it plain, and only got through one-half. After that I learned, lots of mayo on the side so as to keep spreading it on the meat, and then it all goes down(well- if you're a big eater, that is). If not, then you eat half and take the rest home, you can make 2 or 3 sandwiches out of the leftovers! And where do you get this? Toojays Gourmet Deli with locations spread around central Florida, and outside of New York City, you'll find nothing as Jewish Deli (well maybe around Miami/Ft. Lauderdale) in the entire South.

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