Thursday, April 19, 2012


87 years old, died Friday 13th this month. For those of you who don't know, he waas the actor best known for playing the vampire, Barnabas Collins, on the 60s soap opera (and movies) Dark Shadows.
Now this was back in the day when soap operas were broadcast live, and there were no retakes, which often made for awkward/funny moments when a cast member forgot his/her line and all was quiet until you heard the offset prompter cuing the actor! Funny stuff, yeah I used to watch it - hey it had vampires werewolves & witches, what's not to like?
And, interestingly enough, the mansion where the exteriors were filmed was one town over from where I grew up; and when I lived for a year in the Norwalk YMCA (NOT as much fun as the song would have you believe) I was right across the street from it. Small world, eh.
So, thanks for living long enough to cameo in the movie remake, at least we'll get to see you one more time...(though being undead, I guess you'll be around forever...)

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