Friday, November 16, 2012


1930 - 11/16/2012

Twinkies and Ding Dongs won't be made any more -- Hostess Brands announces today that it will be going out of business.
More than 18,000 workers across the country will be out of a job, including in Orlando where 200 employees work at Merita Bread.
Workers there have been on strike since Friday and the company is blaming a national strike for the sudden closure.

And as you may or may not know, Twinkies is one of my favorite food groups - especially deep-fried at the state fair. They were especially good when they came out with the limited run of Banana Twinkies, which was actually the original flavor creme back when they first made Twinkies in 1930.
 And you know, even if someone buys the rights to the name, they just aren't going to be the same, if it ain't Hostess it's not a Twinkie!

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