Thursday, March 23, 2006


...before I get old & senile (my wife says I already am)...
I was born in the town shown above, Offenbach Germany, a suburb of Frankfurt am Main in 1953. At birth I was named Robert Helmut Siebert; Siebert being my mother's last name.

Then I was put in an orphanage in Frankfurt. Interesting picture below of zeppelin flying over Frankfurt, apparently there were quite a few of them back in the 30s (way before my time). Perhaps that's why one of my favorite bands is Led Zeppelin - hahaha.
Photo below of an old (late 1800s) orphanage in Frankfurt. Mine? Don't know, really; I remember nothing about being there.
However, my very first memory - and Mom & Dad back me up that this is true - involves a flock of geese. When they were working on adopting me (at the age of 3), they used to come to the orphanage to spend time with me. Apparently, we used to take a walk down a dirt road near the orphanage, and one time, there was a flock of geese coming the other way. I distinctly remember being frightened of the geese (who can act quite hostile if they feel like it), and cowering behind Mom & Dad until they had passed by. And I'm guessing we really bonded right about then.
And the funny thing is, even as I grew older, I always remembered the geese, but not that I had been adopted...

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