Sunday, December 24, 2006


 "When enough people decide that an activity is legal, in a democracy such a thing eventually becomes legal.
Look at the way the drug laws have changed in Europe. It's a sign of how damaged American democracy has
become that the same thing hasn't happened here. The Internet is a massive threat to some people,
and if we don't fight to keep it, we deserve to lose it. I'll end with a "fair use" quote from one of my favorite 70's bands,
Hawkwind which seems appropriate somehow, and append one line of my own :
  • Welcome to the oceans in a labeled can,
  • Welcome to the dehydrated lands,
  • Welcome to the self police parade,
  • Welcome to the neo-golden age,
  • Welcome to the days you've made
Welcome to the land of "Nothing for free"."
Amen brother, truer words were never spoken...

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