Thursday, January 31, 2008


 I'm lost in the over-abundance of Lost this week. Unfortunately, so far we're on
hour 3 of the `new season' programming, and yet to see anything new.
First up, a 2 hour special which was basically the last 2 shows from last season,
with popups added with minor bits of extra info, but even much for last night.
Then, tonite the `2 hour season premiere'. Oh, but wait... the first hour is actually
a recap of the whole show, the Reader's Digest condensed version, so to speak.
 So what's the odds they'll start out the actual first show of the real new season
with "Previously on Lost"...anyone taking bets on that?
Well, gotta go now, going to wash some dishes and then catch the actual 42 minutes of new programming...........

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